Here are some traditional wedding activities. We will have you choose which activities you would like at your wedding, using our wedding questionnaire. Our event coordinator will send you a timeline for your wedding based on which ones you chose. We know how long each activity takes and when it is usually done. You will review the timeline and let us know of any changes you would like to make. Your DJ will emcee all your wedding activities.
Cocktail Hour
Cocktail hour occurs immediately after the wedding ceremony. This is the time when pictures are taken of the wedding party by photographers. Cocktails, hors d’ oeuvres, and entertainment are provided to your guests while they wait for the wedding party to finish up taking these must-have photos. Cocktail hour usually takes place in a separate area prior to the wedding reception. Immediately after cocktail hour, your guests will head on to the reception area.
Receiving Line
The receiving line gives the opportunity for the bride and groom to greet all their guests. The line is usually formed with the mother of the bride first, then the father, followed by the groom’s mother and father, bride and groom, and then the maid or matron of honor and bridesmaids (the attendants are often left off in order to speed guests” passage through the line). Some choose to just have the bride and groom for the receiving line. This can take place right after the ceremony or right before the reception. The receiving line can take a lot of time. A wedding with 100 guests could take about 30 to 40 minutes. So, some choose to do the table visits instead.
Typically, the receiving line should take place as guests are just about to enter in to your wedding reception room. Sometimes it can take place in the hallway leading up to the reception area. It really depends on the layout of your wedding venue. Let your wedding venue know that you are planning on having a receiving line. They will know best where that should take place.
Grand Entrance
The guests are seated before the arrival of the wedding party. The introduction to the wedding party and the newlyweds is usually presented by the emcee. Each person is introduced as they enter the reception area. Music is typically played during the entire grand entrance.
Welcome Speech
This is the time to thank your guests for coming. This can be done by the bride & groom or the mother and father of the bride or groom.
Blessing Before the Meal
It is customary at religious weddings to say a blessing before everyone begins eating. Typically a member of the family will be chosen by the bride and groom to say the blessing. If you want this included, please let the proper people know so that he or she is prepared.
A champagne toast is usually given by the best man and the maid of honor. Other members of the wedding party may also say a few words. This usually takes place about an hour after the food has been served because everyone is usually seated at his time. It can also take place before the meal, but your guests may be anxious to eat. This is why we recommend to place this one after the meal. Your guests will be happier to hear everyone’s speeches if they are not hungry.
Special Dances
Couple’s First Dance
This is the first dance as husband and wife. Some couples will have this dance choreographed to be more entertaining for their guests. Choose a special song for this dance. View some first dance songs.
Father-Daughter Dance
This is the bride’s dance with her father. A special song is chosen for this dance. View some father-daughter dance songs.
Mother-Son Dance
This is the groom’s dance with his mother. A special song is chosen for this dance. View some mother-son dance songs.
Mother-Daughter Dance
This is the bride’s dance with her mother. This dance is usually a replacement for the father-daughter dance for those that have a father that passed away or not present. A special song is chosen for this dance. View some mother-daughter dance songs.

Other Spotlight Dances
Some couples choose to have other spotlight dances, with other family members in addition to the traditional dances.
Money Dance or Dollar Dance
The purpose of the money or dollar dance is to help the newlyweds start their new lives together. Guests pay for a dance with the bride or groom. The best man and the maid of honor will stand at the head of the line to keep the line moving. The money dance can be time consuming, especially at larger receptions. So it’s a good idea to keep each dance with each guest short. Maybe about 30 seconds for each guest.
Longest Married Couple Dance aka Anniversary Dance
All married couples are invited to the dance floor. Usually a love song is played as all the married couples dance. The emcee will ask those that have been married for less than a year to sit down. The elimination process keeps going until we are left with just one couple on the dance floor. A prize can be given to the winner of the longest married couple dance. Usually a bouquet of flowers or a bottle of champagne is given as a prize. The emcee will ask how long they have been married. Then a round of applause is given to this couple for reaching this huge milestone. The emcee can also ask them for their advice to the newlyweds for a successful long marriage.
Cutting of the Cake
The emcee should announce that this event is taking place. Some prefer to have the guest remain seated, so that the photographer can take photos of this special moment. Some would like all their guests to gather around and take lots of photos. The bride and groom hold the knife together and slice a piece of the bottom layer of the cake. Then the groom feeds the bride and the bride feeds the groom. We like to tell our customers to choose a special wedding cake cutting song for this activity.
Bouquet Toss
The bride tosses her bouquet over her shoulder to a group of single women present. Whoever catches it is supposed to be the next to get married.
Garter Removal/Toss
For the Garter Removal wedding activity, the groom removes the garter from his bride’s leg. For the Garter Toss wedding activity, the groom tosses the garter to a group of single men. Whoever catches is supposed to be the next to get married.
Garter Placement
The one who catches the garter is supposed to put it on the leg of the woman who catches the bouquet.

Special Announcements
Special announcements can be made during the wedding reception. For instance, an announcement can be made if it is someone’s birthday or anniversary.
Centerpiece Give-A-Way Game
A game can be played to win the centerpiece. A popular game played is to pass the object (a dollar bill, napkin or another object) hot potato style around the table. There are a couple of variations of playing this game.
The Shoe Game
The Shoe Game is a fun way to keep your guests entertained at the wedding reception. You will need two chairs and a list of questions to ask the bride and the groom.
The chairs are placed back to back. The bride and groom sits back to back in these chairs. The bride and the groom will take off one shoe and switch one shoe with their partner. So, the bride will have two different shoes in her hands (her shoe and his shoe). The groom will have two different shoes in his hands (his shoe and her shoe).
Designate someone to prepare a list of questions to ask the bride and the groom. Each question begins with “who” where the answer is either the bride or groom. For example, “Who is the better cook?” Once the question is asked, the bride and groom answers by raising the shoe of the correct answer.
Last Dance
The DJ or emcee can announce the last dance and invite everyone to join the bride and the groom for the last dance of the evening. The bride and groom can be in the middle and everyone will gather around them for the last song of the night. Some choose an upbeat song to end the night. Some choose one last slow song as their last dance.
Couple’s Grand Exit
Some choose to do a grand exit. The last dance should definitely be done if a grand exit is desired. Immediately after the last dance, all remaining guests will form two lines by the reception entrance doors. Once everyone is ready, the bride and the groom can walk or run pass all their guests and out through the reception doors. To make your grand exit more festive, have something for your guests to hold or throw. Bubbles, flower petals, streamers, sparklers, etc are some suggestions. Some newlyweds choose not to do this and just hang around saying their goodbyes as everyone gradually leaves.
This fun couple chose a humorous approach for their grand exit at their wedding reception.