2019 Walk to Defeat ALS

2019 Walk to Defeat ALS

DJ G-Tez will be providing the music entertainment at the 2019 Walk to Defeat ALS on Sunday, November 3rd 9:30am to 1:30pm at Cornerstone Park in Henderson, NV. Registration begins at 10:30am. The Walk to Defeat ALS® is the Nevada Chapter’s largest Walk. The Walk is a family friendly event, where families and companies come

MJ Christensen Fall Festival Flyer

MJ Christensen Fall Festival

Elite Sound Studio’s DJ G-Tez will be providing the music entertainment at MJ Christensen Elementary PTA Fall Festival on Thursday, October 24th 4:30-7:30pm. Festival Activities There will be fun family activities for all to enjoy. Check out the Haunted House. Play carnival games and the cake walk. There will also be a video game truck.